Fun elective options

By Laurel Merrick & Elle Logue,

Staff Writers.

As the final stretch of the school year begins, students enrolling or re-enrolling at Santa Rosa High School will have the opportunity to select an elective for the next school year. SRHS offers an abundance of different classes ranging from various arts to classes focused on agriculture. Having to pick just one elective from a sea of choices may seem stressful or difficult, so to make this process a little easier, here are some recommendations for which electives to request.

Film Studies, taught by English teacher Adriane Glatt, offers students the opportunity to watch meaningful films and “have deep conversations about visual stories and visual media.” It’s a great option for upperclassmen students who appreciate movies and like to share their opinions through writing and discussion. Glatt looks for films that tie in history as well as the aesthetics of different time periods. Glatt said, “I love films that tell a good story.” It involves learning the skills necessary to deconstruct films, learning film vocabulary, developing critical thinking skills, having meaningful discussions and writing about the content.

Another elective to consider is 3D Design, taught by Eric Roberds. The class is a fun and relaxed way to earn art credits and develop life skills. “You develop creativity and crafting skills throughout the year. I would highly recommend the class,” said freshman Trent Purvis. Unlike other art electives, this class has a very hands-on experience and explores different elements of art. Freshman Faye Kovacevich added that from the class she improved certain skills: “The most notable is problem-solving; lots of times, something does not work, and you have to be patient and figure it out.” The freedom to experiment was Kovacevich’s favorite part of the class. 

Farm to Table is another fun and hands-on class to consider. An agriculture-focused elective taught by Jessica Fruiht, Farm to Table allows students to interact with plants and animals frequently. Every Tuesday and Thursday students go to the farm located on Alba Lane and have fun learning about farming and the earth. “My favorite part about the class is definitely going to the farm and getting to do hands-on things with plants. I also really like the teacher; she’s amazing,” said freshman Katherine Velasco. The class, besides being fun, also develops an abundance of different skills. Soil management, plant care and the knowledge of how crops rotate and survive during the year are all skills developed in the class. “I would definitely recommend the class to someone who is looking to learn more about plants and doesn’t mind going to the farm. It’s just a fun class overall,” Velasco concluded. 

If you’re looking for an elective where you’ll learn graphic design and photography, Yearbook, taught by Casey Elsa, is perfect for you! It’s also a social class where you get to capture the school year and interact with your classmates. Yearbook editor junior Ella Nerius commented that she loves seeing growth in the other students. “In the beginning, it’s always a bit rocky, but when they start getting the hang of things it’s really cool.” Nerius also said that getting interviews with other people and having to work with her classmates has helped her gain social skills.

SRHS offers many fun and beneficial electives from which to choose. Every elective can offer new and useful skills and knowledge, so it’s important to find something in which you are interested. While it may seem stressful picking only one elective, you truly cannot go wrong with whichever you choose.