By Olly Constantine and Luis Hernandez Espinoza,
Staff Writers.
On Oct. 4 and 5, Santa Rosa High School students, staff and alumni gathered to celebrate the 150th anniversary of SRHS. This celebration lasted two full days, Friday and Saturday, and included many different festive activities. It is not often that a school turns 150 years old, and Santa Rosa High is the ninth-oldest school in California.
The celebration began with students gathered at Nevers Field before first period. As students ate their complimentary breakfast, bagels and water, speeches were given by our principal, Dr. Mark Ryan; ASB president, Vy Hoang; and former teacher, Art Horner. “It’s like family. I’m really a part of the family,” said Horner, who came out of retirement to help organize the celebration.
During the extended hour-long lunch, club officers stood beside their tables and presented what their clubs were about; others used this opportunity to fundraise for their clubs. As for entertainment, many activities were set up on the lawn outside Desoto, inviting students to engage in a water balloon “toss,” bumper ball fights and race their friends on yoga balls.
The celebration continued through the night with Santa Rosa High’s Homecoming football game. The Panthers honored paid heritage to the school’s history with special edition gray jerseys.
Saturday’s celebration included a car show, a chance to look at the school’s museum, food trucks, performances from ArtQuest and booths set up by various school clubs and organizations. Former auto shop teacher and SRHS alumnus Tom Gutsch Sr. was excited to be back at SRHS to commemorate the occasion: “It’s fun to come back and see all the people you haven’t seen in a long time.”
Gutsch entered a car into the car show that had been worked on by students while he was teaching at the school. Rich Petersen, an alumnus from the class of 1967, has been working on a photo book of SRHS over the years. “I’m really enjoying it; I haven’t been back since [graduation] and it’s been a long time,” said Petersen.
Overall, the 150th celebration has been one extraordinary experience for old graduates as well as current students. Experiencing this day is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. All of the participants will forever be remembered in our school history as part of the Panther family.